Call for Abstract

36th International Conference on Environmental Chemistry & Water Resource Management, will be organized around the theme “Tackling the scientific challenges and bridging excellence of new era in Environmental Chemistry”

Environmental Chemistry Summit 2018 is comprised of 20 tracks and 92 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Environmental Chemistry Summit 2018.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Environmental chemistry is the scientific review of the chemical and biochemical phenomena that occur in natural places. Environmental chemistry can be described as the study of the sources, reactions, transport, effects of chemical species in the air, soil, and water environments; and the effect of human activity on these. Environmental chemistry is an integrative science that includes atmospheric, aquatic and soil chemistry, as well as uses analytical chemistry. It is allied to environmental and other areas of science. It is different from green chemistry, which tries to trim potential pollution at its source.

  • Track 1-1Biobased Chemicals
  • Track 1-2Chemical and bilogical oxygen demand
  • Track 1-3Astrochemistry
  • Track 1-4Synthetic chemistry
  • Track 1-5Energy conversion
  • Track 1-6Polymer chemistry

Green science is the plan of synthetic items and procedures that diminish or dispense with the utilization or age of perilous substances. Green science applies to the life cycle of a concoction item, including its plan, make, utilize, and extreme transfer. Green science is otherwise called economical science. Green science decreases contaminations at its source by limiting or dispensing with the risks of compound sustain stocks, reagents, solvents, and items.

  • Track 2-1Green Nanotechnology
  • Track 2-2Green fertilizers
  • Track 2-3Energy efficiency
  • Track 2-4Green Biofuels and Energy
  • Track 2-5Green Processing and Solar Energy
  • Track 2-6Green Analytical Methodologies
  • Track 2-7Mineral composition

Environmental biotechnology is used to study the natural environment. Environmental biotechnology could also imply that one tries to harness biological process for commercial uses and exploitation. Molecular biotechnology is the use of laboratory techniques to study and modify nucleic acids and proteins for applications in areas such as human and animal health, agriculture, and the environment. Molecular biotechnology results from the convergence of many areas of research, such as molecular biology, microbiology, biochemistry, immunology, genetics, and cell biology.  

  • Track 3-1Bioindicators and Biosensors
  • Track 3-2Biotreatment of Solid, Liquid, and Gaseous Wastes
  • Track 3-3Bioremediation of Polluted Environments
  • Track 3-4Ecosystem management
  • Track 3-5Plant Molecular Biology
  • Track 3-6Cellular Molecular Biology
  • Track 3-7Agricultural biotechnology
  • Track 3-8Microbial ecology

Water, a naturally occurring and abundant substance that exists in solid, liquid, and gas forms on the planet Earth. Every aspect of life involves water as food, as a medium in which to live, or as the essential ingredient of life. The food-science aspects of water range from agriculture, aquaculture, biology, biochemistry, cookery, microbiology, nutrition, photosynthesis, power generation, to zoology. Water is eaten, absorbed, transported, and utilized by cells. Facts and data about water are abundant and diverse. 

  • Track 4-1Marine Engineering
  • Track 4-2Water productivity
  • Track 4-3Aquaculture
  • Track 4-4Sediments
  • Track 4-5Global-Scale in Aquatic Systems
  • Track 4-6Water resources applications

Geochemistry is the science that uses the apparatuses and standards of science to clarify the instruments behind major land frameworks, for example, the Earth's covering and its seas. The domain of geochemistry stretches out past the Earth, enveloping the whole Solar System and has made critical commitments to the comprehension of various procedures including mantle convection, the development of planets and the causes of rock and basalt. The investigation of the strong Earth and the seas, and the procedures that shape them is principal to understanding the Earth and Environment as an advancing framework.

  • Track 5-1Marine Pollution
  • Track 5-2Earthquake interpretation
  • Track 5-3Meteorology
  • Track 5-4Hydrothermal avenue
  • Track 5-5Atmospheric chemistry and air pollution

It deals with the chemistry and biochemistry of agriculture and food with a focus on original research representing complete studies, rather than incremental studies. This includes topics on chemical/biochemical composition and the effects of processing on the composition and safety of foods, feeds, and other products from agriculture, including wood and other biobased materials, by-products, and wastes. It covers the chemistry of pesticides, veterinary drugs, plant growth regulators, fertilizers, and other agrochemicals, together with their metabolism, toxicology, and environmental fate. The chemical processes involved in nutrition, phytonutrients, flavors, and aromas, are reported on in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

  • Track 6-1Food chemistry and engineering
  • Track 6-2Food physical chemistry
  • Track 6-3Agricultural chemistry and its outline
  • Track 6-4Food Science and Technology
  • Track 6-5High quality agricultural production

Agronomy and Soil Science covers the entire range of agronomy and soil science: plant nutrition; fertilizers; manure; soil tillage; soil biotechnology and ecophysiology; amelioration; irrigation and drainage; plant production on arable and grassland; agro climatology; landscape formation and environmental management in rural regions.

  • Track 7-1Agroecology
  • Track 7-2Green Revolution
  • Track 7-3Soil conservation
  • Track 7-4Soil mechanics and engineering
  • Track 7-5Soil chemistry and Soil pollution

Water pollution control is clearly one of the most critical of those challenges. Without urgent and properly directed action, developing countries face mounting problems of disease, environmental degradation, and economic stagnation, as precious water resources become more and more contaminated. Prevent pollution rather than treating symptoms of pollution. Although wastewater treatment facilities have been installed and improved over the years in many countries, water pollution remains a problem, including in industrialized countries. In some situations, the introduction of improved wastewater treatment has only led to increased pollution from other media, such as wastewater sludge. 

  • Track 8-1Hydroinformatics
  • Track 8-2Innovative technologies
  • Track 8-32D modeling techniques
  • Track 8-4Industrial Water Treatment
  • Track 8-5Pollution Control
  • Track 8-6Water resources
  • Track 8-7Water resources strategies
  • Track 8-8Hydrological processes and modeling

Flood studies provide information about flood behavior and risk, quantify the impact of proposed developments, and inform floodplain planning and water quality studies. Flood hazard can vary significantly across small distances and over time. HD modeling simulates losses from the ground-level up so you can better manage uncertainty and model complex financial terms, such as hours clauses.

  • Track 9-1Flood risk management
  • Track 9-2Sedimental soil erosion

Geobiology is a field of scientific research that explores the interactions between the physical Earth and the biosphere. It is a relatively young field, and its borders are fluid. There is considerable overlap with the fields of ecology, evolutionary biology, microbiology, paleontology, and particularly biogeochemistry. Geobiology applies the principles and methods of biology and geology to the study of the ancient history of the co-evolution of life and Earth as well as the role of life in the modern world. Geobiology studies tend to be focused on microorganisms, and on the role, that life plays in altering the chemical and physical environment of the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and/or cryosphere. It differs from biogeochemistry in that the focus is on processes and organisms over space and time rather than on global chemical cycles.

  • Track 10-1Environmental degradation
  • Track 10-2Biogeochemistry
  • Track 10-3Molecular geomicrobiology
  • Track 10-4Biogeography

Precipitation is expected to vary considerably from region to region. Change in climate (changes in frequency and intensity of extreme weather events) is likely to have major impacts on natural and human systems. With respect to hydrology, climate change can cause significant impacts on water resource by resulting changes in the hydrological cycle. For instance, the changes in temperature and precipitation can have a direct consequence on evapotranspiration and on both quality and quantity of the runoff components of the water balance.

  • Track 11-1Novel Materials for Water
  • Track 11-2Remotely-sensed soil moisture
  • Track 11-3Evapo-transpiration.

Polymer Engineering is a designing that outlines investigation and adjust polymer material. Fundamental divisions of the polymer are thermoplastic, elastomer, and thermoset which outlines regions of use exacerbating and preparing of the polymer are real portrayal of the polymer. It incorporates diverse sorts of polymerization. The unique specialized significance of polymers can be judged by the way that half of the expert natural scientific experts utilized by industry in the United States are occupied with research or improvement identified with polymers.

  • Track 12-1Polymer processing
  • Track 12-2Physical and organic chemistry
  • Track 12-3Thermoplastics and Fluid mechanics
  • Track 12-4Polymerization

This study was carried out in Didessa catchment, which is situated in the south-west part of Blue Nile River Basin. This part of the basin is very important due to the location of the place where different water resources development are undertaking, like the Grand Renaissance dam and other development projects, So it was crucial to study and evaluate the potential impacts of climate change on the hydrology and water resources availability. Climate change refers to a change in the state of the climate that can be identified by changes in the mean or the variability of its properties and that persists for an extended period, typically decade or more. Climate change may be due to internal process and external forcing.

  • Track 13-1Irrigation
  • Track 13-2Ground water
  • Track 13-3Soil Erosion
  • Track 13-4Reduction of Malnutrition

Hydropower is power derived from the force of moving water. It is widely used to produce electricity, among other useful purposes. It is a versatile, flexible technology that at its smallest can power a single home, and at its largest can supply industry and the public with renewable electricity on a national and even regional scale. 

  • Track 14-1Water rights and accessibility
  • Track 14-2Environmental sustainablity
  • Track 14-3Hydrodynamics

Environmental toxicology is the science and practice of the adverse effects mainly of chemicals other man-made agents in the environment. The targeted receptors of these adverse effects may be both the ecosystem and the human. Environmental toxicology includes the study of chemical substances potential and actual contaminants – polluting the air, water, soil and food, their impacts upon the structure and function of ecological systems, including man as well as the use of these results for decision making and environmental management.

Mutagenicity refers to the induction of permanent transmissible changes in the structure of the genetic material of cells or organisms. These changes (mutations) may involve a single gene or a block of genes.

  • Track 15-1Environmental toxicity sources
  • Track 15-2Bio magnification
  • Track 15-3Types and effects of mutagens
  • Track 15-4Mutagen test systems

A biological system is a group of living beings in conjunction with the nonliving parts. Biotic and abiotic parts are connected together through supplement cycles and vitality streams. Biological communities are controlled both by outside and inner variables. Outside variables, for example, atmosphere, parent material that structures the dirt and geography control the general structure of an environment. Biodiversity influences biological community work to do the procedure of aggravation and progression.

  • Track 16-1Management of ecosystem
  • Track 16-2Nutrient cycling
  • Track 16-3Microbial biomass
  • Track 16-4Energy flow

Environmental hazards may be chemical, physical, biological, biomechanical or psychosocial in nature. Environmental hazards build traditional risks of poor sanitation and shelter, as well as agricultural and industrial contamination of air, water, food, land. Environmental health risks result from people interacting with hazards in the surrounding environment.

In order to prevent environmental hazards affecting our health, it is very important to be aware of the hazards and to take steps to supervise the risks. Some majorly deal with general environmental health hazards, and not extremes of climate, chemical hazards, occupational hazards, physical hazards and hazards associated with food also may be the reason.

  • Track 17-1Electromagnetic fields
  • Track 17-2Radioactivity
  • Track 17-3Soil pollution
  • Track 17-4Tobacco smoking
  • Track 17-5Environmental climatic factors

Recycling is way toward converting waste materials into new materials and objects. Reduce, reuse and recycle, the three R's for waste management, are effective measures that fill in as alternatives to disposing waste in landfills. Recycling is useful for the environment for various reasons, including reducing landfill waste and pollution to recycling and reusing items to preserve assets. By recycling and reusing, the amount of non-biodegradable materials being manufactured is decreased as recycled materials are processed and made into new items.


  • Track 18-1Reduce, reuse, recycle and recovery
  • Track 18-2Solid waste management
  • Track 18-3Waste water treatments
  • Track 18-4Waste treatment technologies
  • Track 18-5Microbial fuel cell technology

All energy sources have some impact on our environment. Fossil fuels—coal, oil, and natural gas—do substantially more harm than renewable energy sources by most measures, including air and water pollution, damage to public health, wildlife and habitat loss, water use, land use, and global warming emissions. The exact type and intensity of environmental impacts vary depending on the specific technology used, the geographic location, and a number of other factors. By understanding the current and potential environmental issues associated with each renewable energy source, we can take steps to effectively avoid or minimize these impacts as they become a larger portion of our electric supply.

  • Track 19-1Application in Energy Resources
  • Track 19-2Hydrolic Energy Production

Integrated water analysis tools offer a wide spectrum of valuable information into a single interface. These tools pull and interpret data from different water databases in order to provide more meaningful data. A few of these tools are applications that are geared for the public. The other tools are for users with a thorough background and technical knowledge. This is the rationale for the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) approach that has now been accepted internationally as the way forward for efficient, equitable and sustainable development and management of the world's limited water resources and for coping with conflicting demands.

  • Track 20-1Hydraulic Structures
  • Track 20-2Hydrogeology